Sanctuary Animals
At Sunny Day Acres we have a unique sanctuary facility for animals who were surrendered or cannot be adopted to the general public. The reasons vary, and often the reasoning is not the animal's fault. For example, some of these dogs are ill and on a hospice type program to make their last moments extra special, and some come from abused situations and will need a lot of time with us. Others are former pit fighters that are totally rehabilitated, but legally unable to be adopted out. Click on each animal for their unique story. SDA Sanctuary Animals are 100% supported by your generous donations. Thank you for your kindness and support which keeps this program running!

Facility Enhancements
So what's all the bark about?
"This is all part of Arnold's confidence training. He's been working on conquering things he's afraid of and in doing so, he's overall happier and more well balanced. And best of all- his separation anxiety issues are SIGNIFICANTLY better. James and I can finally leave him home alone after having him for 5 years. These classes have been life changing for Arnie and us!" - Annie Hart
So what's all the bark about?
"This is all part of Arnold's confidence training. He's been working on conquering things he's afraid of and in doing so, he's overall happier and more well balanced. And best of all- his separation anxiety issues are SIGNIFICANTLY better. James and I can finally leave him home alone after having him for 5 years. These classes have been life changing for Arnie and us!" - Annie Hart
Yesterday we celebrated our Tinaverssary. A year of having Tinkerbell as part of our family. I can not tell you how much we adore this dog and what a wonderful, sweet, funny, loving friend she is. As my daughter often says: " I can't believe she's ours" Thank you again.
I thought you'd like a few snaps of her this year.
Barbara Bloom